
Indretningsarkitekt uddannelse

Vil du gøre din
passion til profession?

Alt for mange mennesker lader kun deres hobby være deres egentlige passion

Det er der ingen grund til. Hvorfor ikke lade dit arbejde være din passion også? Bliv indretningsarkitekt!

Bliv indretningsarkitekt

Uddannelsen er et professionelt tilrettelagt fjernstudie, hvor du løbende udvikler dine evner gennem studier, øvelser og opgaver.

Undervejs får du individuel vejledning og feedback fra skolens erfarne undervisere, der selv er uddannet indretningsarkitekter.


En fleksibel uddannelse i dit eget tempo

Du kan tage uddannelsen i dit eget tempo og selv fordele lektionerne over en periode på op til 5 år.

Med et anslået timeforbrug på ca. 4.000 timer er uddannelsen på IndretningsAkademiet den mest omfattende uddannelse til indretningsarkitekt, du kan tage som fjernundervisning.


Smart and made with an extremely nice touch! 🤌🏼

Smart and made with an extremely nice touch! 🤌🏼 ...


We’d like to WELCOME all of our new students!
This is the best time!
The summer is behind us and a new season of studies are a head!



We’d like to WELCOME all of our new students!
This is the best time!
The summer is behind us and a new season of studies are a head!


A slow morning walking straight in to a day of hard work is 🙌🏼✍🏼

A slow morning walking straight in to a day of hard work is 🙌🏼✍🏼 ...

Hi, my name is Mette Rørdam and I am the owner of  Indretningsakademet.
We offer a broad education in interior design and architecture.
A thorough programme that corresponds to a medium-level education.
Here you gain a sense of space, you get your own personal touch through freehand drawing, you gain insight into all crafts, as well as lighting, colour theory, furniture design and much much more.
All of which will give you the skills you need to work professionally as an interior designer.

Hi, my name is Mette Rørdam and I am the owner of Indretningsakademet.

We offer a broad education in interior design and architecture.

A thorough programme that corresponds to a medium-level education.

Here you gain a sense of space, you get your own personal touch through freehand drawing, you gain insight into all crafts, as well as lighting, colour theory, furniture design and much much more.

All of which will give you the skills you need to work professionally as an interior designer.

Inspiration at its BEST
 -When the designer explain all the thoughts on how the project came to be and what’s next…! 👌🏼

Inspiration at its BEST
-When the designer explain all the thoughts on how the project came to be and what’s next…! 👌🏼

Practice makes perfect! ✍🏼 ✌🏼

Practice makes perfect! ✍🏼 ✌🏼 ...

Drawing by hand really gives you that extra creativity - It’s pure MAGIC! 💫

Drawing by hand really gives you that extra creativity - It’s pure MAGIC! 💫 ...

Hi! 👋🏼
We want to give warm welcome to all our new students!
… and welcome back to all you other guys! ☀️

Hi! 👋🏼
We want to give warm welcome to all our new students!
… and welcome back to all you other guys! ☀️

DO NOT miss this opportunity! 👇🏼
When signing up in August you get 15% off the original price!


DO NOT miss this opportunity! 👇🏼
When signing up in August you get 15% off the original price!


Some of us are on vacation right now and some are still working hard!

 Which one are you? ❤️

Some of us are on vacation right now and some are still working hard!

Which one are you? ❤️


So beautifully preserved wooden details! 
They bring so much warmth to the cleans walls yet tells something about the past👌🏼


So beautifully preserved wooden details!
They bring so much warmth to the cleans walls yet tells something about the past👌🏼

Such nice work! 🙌🏼

• Neat
• Inspirational 
• Creative

… but now ☕️

Such nice work! 🙌🏼

• Neat
• Inspirational
• Creative

… but now ☕️

Glade kursister

Vi giver værktøjerne til ambitiøse og kreative kursister, så de kan udleve deres drømme

Vi er ligeså passioneret omkring indretning som dig.

Skolen bygger på 60 års erfaring med uddannelse af indretningsarkitekter.